Weekly Notes 2021-W11

Weekly Notes 2021-W11

These logs are my work logs (anonymized) mixed in with a few thoughts and maybe some personal anecdotes. Just to keep my mind focused and to allow some expression of what is going on during the week because sometimes it feels unproductive when it is all but._

What technology stack is the best one to develop your solution? The answer is probably the one you know, the one your team is familiar with and the one that will get the job done. I enjoy a good debate about anything software development related but when it comes down to tires hitting the road, there is no substitute for using the knowledge and experience you have to get the job done. In my case I am a big proponent for Service Stack for a variety of reasons but I also decided to invest my energy into that stack which means it is the one I know best at the moment. I also develop solution based on standard MVC and WebApi components but I definitely prefer Service Stack. Can you accomplish the same thing with Asp.net MVC razor pages? Sure.. Blazor? Sure. Php Symphony? No doubt. Let's shift the debate a little and ensure that we have the correct focus and not get swayed by meaningless arguments especially if we aren't building a global scaled application like Google or Facebook which more than likely would require custom development regardless of the technology stack or architecture.

I am going to keep this week's notes simple. Same as Week 10!

As for some simple code, I had a client request to add some functionality to a web site that I could have refactored but I know the client didn't want to invest in it that way so I wrote a simple Vue directive to handle it. The refactor would have been to ensure that all vue components are data driven but sometimes this just isn't realistic. So I mocked up some examples here: